"I cannot believe how many more clients I've added to my book in the past 6 months..."

If you're a financial advisor who buys leads, you have to follow up quickly with every single lead that lands in your inbox. Problem is, your inbox is already overflowing and you've got a million things pulling you away from your desk. What if you could automatically:

In other words, what if you could automatically ensure a high return on your marketing spend? With DashFox, you can. We make sure the money you're spending generating new leads is actually worth it. We connect you with each new lead immediately, and then follow up consistently in a personalized way—saving you time and money.

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How much could you grow your book if you stopped…

  • Being the last one to call, email and text a new lead?
  • Copying and pasting the same intro email over and over?
  • Manually messaging leads who've already gone cold?
  • Chasing after leads that have already gone with another advisor?
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Sounds great and all but how does DashFox work?

OK but why should I use DashFox?

You don't want to lose high quality deals
You’re too busy to be hovering over your inbox every second of every day. But if you don’t follow up quickly, you might miss out on a great client. With DashFox, you can always follow up right away via email and text—and you can do so more than just once.
We make your follow-up easy breezy
No more stress and annoyance trying to manually follow up with every incoming lead that hits your inbox! Life is too short to have to deal with that. DashFox automatically follows up with each lead that comes your way so you can focus on doing what you do best: helping clients and closing deals.
You’re already juggling a gazillion tasks.
It can be difficult managing and responding to all the leads you’re bringing in. Now, all of your leads will end up in one convenient place, making them easier to track. Plus, if you want to convert renters into buyers down the line, DashFox is the perfect system to do so.
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It is really refreshing to work with this software which is truly helpful in the client’s needs and preferences.

— Roy Donnelly,
Kingston Real Estate & Management
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It is really refreshing to work with this software which is truly helpful in the client’s needs and preferences.

— Jack Calderon,
Head of marketing, Apple Inc.
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It is really refreshing to work with this software which is truly helpful in the client’s needs and preferences.

— Jack Calderon,
Head of marketing, Apple Inc.

All of this sounds good... but I still have questions